Don’t Fret: Bootstrapping Without Boots Will Be Back Soon!

I’m using your feedback to construct a better Bootstrapping Without Boots Blog, and soon I’ll be unveiling the new direction that the blog is going in, and how I’ll be working hard to deliver the content that can get you afloat while in survival mode, and hopefully deliver you to business prosperity.

In the meantime, I’d like to show you my commitment to Bootstrapping Without Boots by displaying a recent picture from a snowfall that has hit my local area (LOL):

Yes, that’s commitment! 

By the way, since we’re not spending any money this week, nothing is being subtracted from our remaining balance of $353.34.

Don’t forget to check out the YouTube videos that have been uploaded to my Youtube Channel:

Leave comments on this blog, or send me an email at “podcasts[@]”.  There’s also a Twitter account where you can reach out to me in 140 characters or less, and that’s withoutboots

Finally, you can give me a call on my Google Voice Line at 615-59-BOOTS (that’s 615-592-6687).

Kindra Cotton, Small Business Survival Specialist  
Serial Entrepreneur: Jill of All Trades and Master of Two (Information, Technology)

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